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  • 1. Product Overview:

    SK6805-EC3210F is an embedded control LED light source, which includes intelligent digital, digital interface, data latching, signal shaping and amplifying driver, power supply voltage stabilizing circuit, built-in constant current circuit, high precision RC oscillator, the output drive uses the patent PWM technology, effectively guarantees the pixel point inside the light color high consistency. The data protocol adopts the communication method of Unipolar Return Code. After the Pixel is reset on the power, the DIN terminal receives the data transmitted from the controller. The first 24 bit data sent is extracted by the first pixel and sent to the Pixel, the rest of the data is amplified by the internal shaping, then the data is rotated through the DO port, and the output is sent to the next cascaded pixels, and the signal is reduced by 24bit for each pixel. Pixel, the use of automatic shaping forwarding technology, so that the number of the Pixel cascade is limited by the signal transmission, only limited by the signal, the transmission speed requirements.

    2.Main features:

    ● Easy To Design

    ● Easy To Build

    ● Easy To Program

    3. Description:

    ● Chip SMD internal integrated high quality external control line serial cascade constant current IC;

    ● control circuit and the RGB chip in EC3210 components, to form a complete control of pixel, color mixing uniformity and consistency;

    ●built-in data shaping circuit, a pixel signal is received after wave shaping and output waveform distortion will not guarantee a line;

    ●The built-in power on reset and reset circuit, the power does not work;

    ●gray level adjusting circuit (256 level gray scale adjustable);

    ● red drive special treatment, color balance;

    ● line data transmission;

    ● plastic forward strengthening technology, the transmission distance between two points over 10M;

    ●Using a typical data transmission frequency of 800 Kbps, when the refresh rate of 30 frames per sec

    4. Mechanical Dimensions:

    5. PIN configuration:

    6. Recommended dimensions for PCB:

    7. General description of product naming:

    SK6805-EC3210F LED Datasheet:http://www.normandled.com/upload/202204/SK6805-EC3210F%20LED%20Datasheet.pdf

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