As we know . Shenzhen Normand Electronic Co.,Ltd have designed so many types side led , Such as SK6812 side, sk6812 side-a and so on , they are used standard frame and standard package technology .Today , let’s talk about SK6812-EC3210F and SK6812-EC3210R.
Both of them use new technology and EMC frame to package , which is different from SK6812 Side and same as SK6812-EC20, this new technology and EMC frame protect them from humidity,So both of them humidity level is LEVEL4, and SK6812 5050,sk6812 mini ,sk6812 side-a humidity level is LEVEL5A.
Let's talk about their similarities,
they are 24bit,have same gray scale -256level , and when the refresh rate of 30 frames per sec, the transmission frequency is same ,800kbps.
For the version , both of them have 5ma version ,They are SK6805 EC3210F,SK6805 EC3210R, and the brightness is same ,you can see the following picture, then you know they have same LED Chip.
And they have same switching characteristics and data transmission time ,then we know they have same IC.
Both of them data structure is GRB
Then What is different from them ? they have different Frame.
SK6812-EC3210F Mechanical Dimension:
SK6812-EC3210R Mechanical Dimension:
You can see , they have same Pin position and pin size.but SK6812-EC3210F is 1.0mm height , SK6812-EC3210R is 2.0mm height , and SK6812-EC3210F can be front-mounted and side mounted, SK6812-EC3210R only can be side-mounted.
SK6812-EC3210F front-mounted and side mounted
SK6812-EC3210R front-mounted